This is a family history website of the ancestors of Roderick Walters and Gillian Maiden.  At present, I have started on the Johnson & Murray (maternal) family but hope to fill in more on the Maiden & Webb (paternal) family which are my ancestors. Later I will work on my husband’s ancestors: Walters & White (paternal) family and Galt & Ferguson (maternal) family. If you wish to learn about the Galt & Ferguson family now, please visit here.

For privacy reasons, I have only told stories from our grand-parents back. On each family grouping e.g., Johnson & Murray, I have added a tree of the grand-parents’ ancestors. Then for each of the ancestors stories, I have just added a tree of that family with a star against the child who is the direct ancestor.

I have been researching family history for about 30 years and I chose to write it down to give the descendants a sense of the country origination of their ancestors. The families came from England, Scotland and Ireland with a touch of Welsh.

I have only been able to travel overseas in the last few years but have not had time to do any research while travelling, therefore the searching of information has been done from Australia. Some of the Australian places I have gleaned my information from are: many trips to libraries; the Queensland State Archives; several trips back to Roma; historical societies; the use of many genealogy websites and the generosity of people from these websites; interested people who have no relation to me; other descendants of our ancestors and my own immediate relations.

There is no doubt that there will be mistakes in my research and writings, as, like everybody I am not perfect. And therefore I would appreciate people contacting me of these corrections or with any further information about the ancestors.

I would also appreciate that, if you wish to reproduce any material from this website, you contact me for permission.